New Hampshire isn’t called the GraniteState for nothing. Our geology is especially rocky and those historic rock walls? Well, they’re evident of the fact that we live in a unique environment that’s simply full of rocks. While this makes for beautiful and interesting terrain and scenery, it also leaves room for a silent threat; radon. Radon is a tasteless, colorless, and odorless radioactive gas that is produced when the element radium decays. This is a natural occurring process that happens frequently in New Hampshire’s rocks and soil. Radon testing in NH is the only viable way to know if your home’s water supply is carrying radon and allowing it to enter into your home.
Unfortunately, according to The National Academy of Sciences, radon is estimated to be responsible for approximately 19,000 lung cancer fatalities in the U.S. every year. Radon gas has the ability to dissolve in groundwater and eventually be released into your home’s indoor environment through your water supply.
What to Do
What’s also unfortunate is that there are currently no water quality standards for New Hampshire’s private home wells. However, the Department of Health and Human Services and the NH Department of Environmental Services still recommend that homeowners undergo radon testing in NH to make sure that they’re water supply and indoor air quality aren’t dangerous.
At the Water Store, we specialize in radon testing in NH so can accurately pinpoint if and where radon is entering your home. While water with radon in it is a threat both through inhalation and ingestion, studies have shown that radon inhalation is a far more likely way to cause cancer in human beings. Radon in water poses the most significant threat when it is released into the air during regular household chores and activities like showering and washing the dishes. Radon is extremely common in New Hampshire and its presence shouldn’t be taken lightly. The Water Store’s radon testing in NH is your safest bet when addressing this invisible threat.
If you’re interested in radon testing in NH, contact us at: 603-899-6680