Having access to clean drinking water is something that everyone should have. And, at the Water Store, we design drinking water systems to help make this a reality for homeowners all over New England. Water is the essence of health. The human body is made up of approximately 60% of water so keeping one’s self properly hydrated is of extreme importance. Put in this perspective, our bodies can be thought of as some of the most well running drinking water systems in the world.
Drinking enough water has a huge impact on one’s health; especially to the immune system. Our immune system benefits greatly from adequate hydration so having the ability to drink clean water is an essential part of life. Homes need drinking water systems that provide families with healthy sources of drinking water on a constant basis. Because clean water is so important to one’s overall health, we’d like to take this opportunity to explain some of the ways that drinking water can help our immune systems.
Strengthening Your Immune System
One of the main benefits of drinking water is that it oxygenates your blood and flushes toxins from your system. Water helps oxygen travel through your blood stream to reach vital muscles and organs. Muscles and organs perform at their best when well oxygenated. Water also helps your kidneys remove toxins from your body that would otherwise build up and lead to a weakened immune system. Water is also essential in the formation of lymph. Lymph carries nutrients and water through the blood and to the cells of our bodies. It also carries other immune system cells and blood cells from the thymus and bone marrow throughout our bodies while also removing toxins from our blood. Without an adequate amount of water, our bodies wouldn’t be able to produce lymph; substantially weakening our immune systems.
Having clean drinking water systems in the home allows us to remain as healthy as possible by regularly drinking water. And regularly drinking water keeps your mouth and eyes clean as well. Water makes them as moist as possible and able to fight off dirt, dust, and parasites that could cause infection. A strong immune system is also dependent on getting an adequate amount of nutrition through food and vitamins. Drinking enough water makes your digestive system strong so that food can be properly digested and used to strengthen your immune system. Water also helps to prevent common chronic health problems like arthritis, depression, insomnia, and even Leukemia and lymphoma. Ensuring that your body produces enough immune cells and blood cells is one of the main benefits of having clean drinking water systems in your home.
If you’re interested in drinking water systems, contact us at: 603-899-6680