Simply put, The Water Store provides essential services by testing your home’s water supply for the presence of any harmful elements. After testing, we design a water filtration system for your home based on our findings. And, much of the time, we find that iron and manganese are present in many NH homeowners’ water supplies. If we find this to be the case, we’ll work with you to design an iron filtration system that will ensure that you and your family have regular access to clean, healthy water.
We work to get to the heart of the matter whenever it comes to the quality of our customers’ water supplies. Unlike other water testing companies, we’re not in business simply to push customers into buying certain water filtration systems to make a quick buck. Instead, we rely on quality customer service and satisfaction. This way, potential customers know that we’re genuinely interested in their well being and the well being of their homes. And it’s just a matter of fact that iron filtration is sometimes a necessary part of home ownership.
Especially in New Hampshire, and especially for those homes who rely on a private water well, water testing in NH is an essential service to have done. Well water is usually cheaper than the public option, but more susceptible to naturally occurring contaminants such as iron, so should be monitored closely.
What to Look For
- Check bathroom fixtures for rust stains. If iron is present in your water supply, surfaces that are susceptible to oxidation will leave behind red stains.
- Check the odor your water emanates. If it has a similar smell to rotting eggs, iron bacteria may be present and an iron filtration system may need to be implemented in your home.
- If your home’s water has a reddish brown color to it, this could indicate that iron oxidation is occurring in your home’s water pipes.
- Taste your home’s water. If it has a metallic tinge to it, it’s possible that high levels of iron are present in your water supply.
- Check inside your toilet tank. If there is iron in your water, it will build up inside your toilet tank, producing a rusty colored stain that is impossible to miss.
If you find any of the above mentioned oddities in your home, have your water tested immediately. If left untreated, iron in your water supply could end up costing you a great deal in the future.
If you’re interested in iron filtration, contact us at: 603-899-6680