Water is an essential part of everyday life. Not only is it necessary for our basic survival, but we also use water for everything from cleaning to bathing to nurturing our lawns to washing and more. Luckily, we have an influx of water and the U.S. has the cleanest water supply in the world. However, not all water is made up of the same materials. This is why, no matter what your primary source of household water is, it is still of grave importance to undergo water testing in NH. And, at The Water Store, we provide services that effectively test your water for optimum quality. It is our belief that everyone should have access to clean, safe water at all times.
When we provide you with water testing in NH, we painstakingly test samples of your home’s water in order to ascertain how healthy or unhealthy it may be. And, based on our results, we effectively collaborate with you to design drinking water systems that best suit your unique needs. Much like the maintenance you put into your car, your water source requires the same amount of vigilance. Although you may not see or taste anything in your home’s drinking water system to put you on guard, there can still exist a number of unsavory elements in your water supply.
Testing All Water Sources
Both town or city tap water and well water should be subjected to regular water testing in NH because both leave room for potentially harmful effects. Town or city water often comes with the threat of Chlorine, Dirt, Cryptosporidium, Giradia, and TriHalomethane. An excessive amount of chlorine can be a respiratory irritant and can irritate the skin while TriHalomethane is a by-product of the chlorination process that the EPA states can increase one’s risk of developing cancer. The Center for Disease Control has said that we’ve seen an increase in Cryptosporidium within humans that have been exposed to water contaminated by sewage and is a parasite that can cause diarrhea. Effective water testing in NH is the best way to rid your home of these unfortunate risks.
Well water also needs regular water testing in NH because, if left untreated, can be highly acidic. Well water can also contain unbalanced amounts of iron, manganese, calcium, and magnesium. Chemicals like iron, calcium, and magnesium can lead to a, “hardening,” of the water. Without a water softener, this hard water can cause damage to the home through the buildup of soap scum on showers and tubs, mineral deposits on dishware, staining of laundry, sinks, bathtubs, and glassware. This hard water can also lead to the clogging of pipes and other fixtures in the home as well.
When you’re looking out for the safety of your family and friends, be sure to work with The Water Store to effectively make sure that the water you use in the home is clean and safe.
If you’re interested in water testing in NH, contact us at: 603-899-6680